Tag Archives: life

Life Lately

It feels like my life has been on repeat lately.
Good thing is I only have exams until Wednesday and then I can become a real person with a real life again.

Life lately: Yoga, studying, sleeping, yoga, studying, sleeping, yoga, studying, sleeping….

and I went for a run for a couple of times.
Oh yeah, and of course there was food too!

Breakfast lately:

I haven’t touched oatmeal in 3 weeks now, I haven’t gobbled down smoothies as breakfast for a while, instead I’m sticking with yoghurt bowls.
Light and fun.
And very versatile: most of the time there are strawberries involved and some kind of grains.

My favourites thus far:
Yoghurt bowl with strawberries, melon, crushed macademians, all bran flakes and a generous splash of rice milk and the bowl with banana, almond butter and dark chocolate chips.

The yoghurt obsession probably has something to do with discovering a new kind of soy yoghurt which is much creamier and has a milder taste than the one I usually have.

Snack lately:

All kind of mini veggies: mini bell peppers, mini chicory, cherry tomatoes, mini carrots…

Apples are back in my life!

Obsessions lately:


Macadamian nuts, just looking at that photograph makes me drool a bit.

I really credit yoga for keeping me sane and making me feel like I’m alive in the midst of this chaos of exames, papers and new movingplans.
I’ve been hitting the mat almost every day, either doing an ashtanga mysore practise or doing some yin yoga, mostly focusing on easing the muscles in my hips and lower back a bit.

Hope you are all doing well!
Love, M.

On Decisions and Regret

I’m one of those people who can’t decide.
Whether it’s what I want to wear , where I want to go for lunch or what subject I’d like to major in…I’m having a hard time making decisions!

I’m mostly bothered by ruling things out. I like to keep my options open, which shows in my school decisions: My main courses in high school were Latin and Maths in order to keep both language and science options open for college, now I’m studying languages but it isn’t really a job that I’m studying for (not like fe a dentist or a nurse, when you choose to study those things you’re pretty sure what your  job will look like in a couple of years).

To cross or not to cross?!

I’m getting better at making small decisions, which is also influenced by the fact that most of my friends are having difficulty choosing as well. One of us has to choose eventually and it turns out I have to most back bone (or am the least patient, that’s an option too), so making decisions when on the road with friend has become more natural to me.
I am however still having trouble finding out what I want to do with my life and whether I’m ready to sacrifice some of my independence and settle down a bit.

I found out that most of the time I don’t regret the things I do, but I always regret the things I don’t do.
Combine this with difficulty making decisions and it’s pretty obvious that avoiding making decisions mostly leads to not doing things, which results into regret…

But now I decided that I won’t have that anymore: I’m going to work on getting out of my comfort zone, on doing impulsive things and I am going to learn to make decisions.

So feel free to join me as I’m trying to start living my life
instead of overthinking it!

Love, M.